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A collection of photographs

A little ma... thing I like to call the cheat

Walking towards a light house

Tyler's crazy ass pumpkin

Funny ass mafia guys

Jammin...and chillin

Hole lotta humpin

Me at a LAN party

Me shooting David Midler in the face

Jared's dilemna

For tyler.....cuz he's mexican

Tyler and Reid before they climbed everest

Hot kitty lovin'

Wes scratchin his nuts while on Everest

Tyler, Reid and Wes..............if they were llamas

Ashley Vennie

Wes after he fell off Everest

Pabloo Francisco...............cuz he's the man

Oh Boy, Chinese people crack me up!

Dirty Work

Tyler's very last football game

Wes in his pursuit to rule the world!


Nough said

A merry christmas indeed


A big bird thanksgiving

Wes when his mom kicks him out of the house

My nigga!!