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Random Pictures a Fourth Edition

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I just sit around on my computer most of the day playin counter-strike or maybe sometimes i'll be on the phone so yea I'm just doing this out of boredome and thats about it

Well, I mostly just sit around and think of weird and funny shit to put on our site. I'm not quite sure what we're even trying to do here, but hey we're havin a shit load of fun while doing it!
Good Times ehhhhhhhhhh "2 thumbs way up" what Tyler said. You may think we're losers, you're probably right, but hey we've got nothing else to do.
SHRECKLACOCK!!!!!!! Alright, here's the skinny, I'm a pale Jewish kid who hangs out with these other losers. I mean come on, look at our site, we are always lazy and bored. Meh.