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We're puttin stuff up for sale and no we won't mail it to you

A lovely couch from the '70s

New Page 1

This couch comes complete with sleeping bag so if you
sleep on it, it won't be so itchy.  It also comes with an afghan to cover
the huge rip

it's not really for sale i love the thing to
damn much

A monitor found in the side of the road by Matt A Prom
this monitor was well found on the side of the road it doesn't come with a power cable and it has some brown shit on it and o yea did i mention it has nothing flat under it so it may wobble. A normal store would probably price this at about 100 bucks but our price is one 19.99
Wes Prom's Kidney
well it's dark blue or so Fred tells me. It has relatively no damage, and it cleans shit out of your system pretty good, believe you me. I price it at the low low price of 500 dollars
These I'm actually selling that is if my brother doesn't want them because i gave him first dibs. But if you really want them and he does to you can fight him for them but otherwise they cost 15 dollars pretty sweet deal i got them for 20

Description of Product
Detailed description of a product. This description could include: Basic information about the line of products and any information that you might use to describe your product. $ 19.95
Description of Product
Detailed description of a product. This description could include: Basic information about the line of products and any information that you might use to describe your product. $ 19.95
Description of Product
Detailed description of a product. This description could include: Basic information about the line of products and any information that you might use to describe your product. $ 19.95
Description of Product
Detailed description of a product. This description could include: Basic information about the line of products and any information that you might use to describe your product. $ 19.95

Description of Product
Detailed description of a product. This description could include: Basic information about the line of products and any information that you might use to describe your product. $ 19.95

Description of Product
Detailed description of a product. This description could include: Basic information about the line of products and any information that you might use to describe your product. $ 19.95